Monday, October 30, 2006

Nightmare Joy!

I just saw Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas 3D, and I have to say it was FABULOUS. I've always liked this film, but in 3D I saw so much more.

If you get the chance, check it out while it is still in theaters. Oh, and they give you really cool substantial 3D glasses. Nothing like the flimsy crap they gave us back in the day for Jaws 3D, a movie so awful, 3D couldn't even help.


At 2:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh I love that film!! My favourite scene is the kid that discovers the snake under the christmastree and screams at the top of his lungs, hands above his head and shaking like he´s beeing electrocuted or something. He is SOOO cute.


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